On September 30th I had an ultrasound that confirmed that we are having a girl! Although the main purpose of the scan was to check vital organs this was the perfect time to check the sex. Finally knowing the sex of the baby has relieved some stress. I have EVERYTHING I could ever need for another precious baby girl and this makes me very happy :)
I have decided to reuse the bedding that I used when Chloe was an infant. Although new stuff would be fun I can't seem to find anything I really love. I originally chose the frog bedding because I loved it and I still do! Minus one thing to stress about :)

When I was pregnant with Chloe we painted her room. I decided that the bottom part of the wall would be pink and the top portion would be yellow. It matched the bedding colors. To separate the colors we put a border that also matched the bedding. This turned out great but was really a lot of work.

This go round I decided that a solid color would be just fine!

The color is called Playful Petal. It is so pretty and very purple. It goes great with my loved frog bedding! My mom came to help paint the room while Chloe and B went to the deer lease! Although Patrick really did the majority of the work, the 3 of us made a great team and knocked it out in about 2.5 hours!! When Chloe came home and saw the room she was a little jealous. She decided that she does not like her pink and yellow room. I tried to convince her that she has the prettiest room in the whole house but I am not sure she is buying that. She told me she wanted her room to be blue. Guess what? I am NOT painting anything any time soon, especially her room! Today she told me she wants her walls to be white because she likes white. :{
There is a really cute lamp that matches the frog stuff that I wanted to move to the baby's room. I knew this would be an issue because that is Chloe's lamp. I asked her if she wanted a new Princess lamp for her room. She told me she already had a lamp. I explained that I wanted to use that lamp in the nursery and she could pick out her very own lamp at the store. Off to Target we went! This is the "Princess" lamp that she picked out all by herself. It doesn't really match but I am ok with that. It looks red in the picture but it is really a dark pink.