Danielle Paige White
February 7, 2012
7:56 am
6lbs. 10oz.
19 inches
A little back history: Around 31 weeks I had to make an unplanned trip to see my OB. Turns out everything was just fine but at that appointment an ultrasound confirmed that baby Dani was breech. Dr R wasn't too concerned because I still had a couple of months to go and there was still time for her to move into the head down position. At most of my visits Dr R did an ultrasound to check position. And every time she was still breech :( As the end of my pregnancy got closer the more concerned I became. If the baby didn't turn then a c-section would have to be done. This terrified me. I did all kinds of things to try to get her to turn, no such luck. Lots of people told me that having a c-section is not that bad but I didn't believe them. Around 37 weeks we went ahead and scheduled a c-section for February 7th. This put me at 39 weeks and 1 day. Most people hope for labor to begin sooner than later however, I was praying that I did not go into labor. If I went into labor naturally I would have had an emergency c-section and I wanted everything planned...no surprises or any rushing.
On Monday, February 6th, my mom came to spend the night so she could be there when the baby was born. MiMi and PawPaw took Chloe to spend the night with them. They came to the hospital the morning of.
Tuesday, February 7th, I was supposed to check in at 5:30 am. The hospital makes it impossible to get in at such wee hours. Even though the signs stated that the doors were open at a certain time, they were not. Needless to say, I checked in about 15 minutes late. Even though I pre-registered (which is such a joke) I had to answer a million questions. At least this time I was not in labor like I was when I had Chloe. We had to wait for the ultrasound tech to come up to confirm the baby was still breech. If she had turned then I could go home. Nope. Still breech. The nurse then started an IV. In the process she totally blew my vein and she laughed about it. Not cool. She tried again and dug around until she got it. That really hurt! The anesthesiologist came in to introduce himself and tell me what was going to happen. When he left I lost it. This was about to happen. I was about to be cut open very soon. Dr. R came in and assured me that it was normal to feel anxious and that everything was going to be fine. Then they wheeled me in to the OR. What a cold and crazy room! Very bright. People and stuff everywhere!! Anyway, I believe they started at 7:35 and Dani was born at 7:56am. All I felt was some tugging. No pain thank goodness. When Dr R held her up I said ""she looks just like Chloe!". She and Brandon went to the nursery while I was finished up in the OR. I was taken to recovery for an hour and Brandon joined me there. After that I was moved to a room. I stayed in the hospital until Thursday. I was so ready to go home and sleep in my own bed where I would not be disturbed every hour!!
My last pregnancy picture..EVER!
Anxious Daddy in is OR duds
Baby Dani (look at her right leg)
her leg was in that position in me!
Memaw, big sister Chloe, PawPaw and MiMi
Danielle "Dani" Paige
Aunt Holli and Uncle Mike
going home
Big Sister Chloe