The Kiddos

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 31, 2011

Growing up too fast :(

The past 2 Saturdays were so pretty. A week ago Chloe and I stayed outside and played for 4 hours! She rode her tricycle, drove her Barbie Jeep, drove her Barbie 4 wheeler, played on the swingset and wrote on the driveway with chalk. This past Saturday she rode her tricycle around the neighborhood. I guess I overestimated the distance we should go---I ended up carrying the tricycle about a block because she was tired of peddaling. She got her Radio Flyer from Memaw for her 2nd birthday. I tried and tried to teach her how to pedal. A couple of months ago when I picked her up from school I walked out to the playground to find Chloe riding the tricycle at school. I was so proud of her and a wee bit sad that I wasn't there to see her figure it out.

The tricycle has a horrendous squeak. According to Chloe we need to "Doyle" it to make the squeak stop. I think this is so funny because I have an uncle named Doyle :)

The only problem with spending hours outside is coming back inside. I carried Chloe home kicking and screaming all the way from the other end of the cul-de-sac. I can't make her understand that it is time to go home and that we can go outside again on another day. It is heartbreaking!

On Sunday I had to run up to the office to do something. I decided I would take Chloe and try to clean her teeth. The scene has played in my head many times--lots of tears and an upset mommy. Because it was starting to get dark Brandon decided he would go so I could clean his teeth. When we got there Chloe hopped in the chair without me even telling her to.

Ok, she knew she was supposed to sit there she just didn't know how! Believe it or not I have adult patients that actually will sit in the chair like this. I think to myself Are you serious? People can be so dumb sometimes. Anyways, I laid the chair back hoping for the best.

Ta-Da! She didn't freak out! I counted her teeth, scraped on them a little and even polished all 17 of them!! She was also cool with me spraying the water and then suctioning it out! I was in complete awe. It made me realize just how much she has grown up. :(


  1. She is getting so big!!! It's crazy how fast it goes! I have a blog as well, and I haven't updated in a long time, but I've promised myself to get back to it with the move and the new baby. It's
    Any ways I'm glad to see you blogging! It's fun when you have time to do it. :)

  2. So proud of her!!!

  3. Go Chloe! What a good patient! Future dentist...maybe?
