I created this blog in June of 2010. Where are all my entries?? Well, I couldn't figure it out. This past Friday I got a quick tutorial from my wonderful sister-n-law, Holli! Thanks Holli! I wasn't sure where to start.....the day I got married? that would take too long.....hygiene school?? too much craziness to report about.....new house? nah.....when I got pregnant? that was almost 4 years ago!!.....the birth of Chloe? birthday 1 or 2??......I should have started long ago if I wanted to blog about all of that. So, I have decided to start with my baby Chloe's 3rd birthday and Christmas 2010. I like to think that I am such a busy person that I don't have time for a blog-- you know 4 day work weeks at 31 hours, a very busy 3 year old, a house to maintain, dinner to cook....blah, blah, blah...well it turns out that I have plenty of time---lucky you! So here goes nothing :)
MiMi surprised Chloe by picking her up from school and taking her to McDonalds! We sang Happy Birthday and let her blow out candles. For several months before her birthday, Chloe would keep asking when it was going to be her birthday. Obviously explaining an amount of time to an almost 3 year old is a lost cause. All the birthday parties that we attended in the months before December, the birthday boy/girl would blow out their candles and then we would re-light them so Chloe could blow them out.
WAHOO! Aimee's got addicted to blogging. Welcome to the club.