August 5th, week 12, I went and had a first trimester screen done. The ultrasound tech takes a bunch of measurements and then I had blood work done. They combine all of the info to get specific results. The results were great--no reason for any concerns at this point!! I had to go to Kingwood to have this ultrasound done because only so many people are trained for this level of testing. I picked Kingwood because this is Holli's office on Fridays. She got to be there for the ultrasound. She also sweet talked the tech to look and see if we could tell the sex of the baby. This is very early and is not usually part of this test. Luckily for us, B went with me, she tried really hard to tell the sex. The tech and Holli were pretty sure that the baby is a BOY!!!!!!!! Although I still have my doubts, we are very excited about this. Of course, a healthy baby is really our main concern. I have no idea why the pictures turned this way and I don't know how to turn them :{
This pic: view of the baby face up with hand to mouth
This pic: looking straight at the baby's face. Kind of creepy!
This pic: all curled up!
My next appointment was August 11th. This was a quick monthly visit. Check weight, zero gained!, urine sample and check the heart rate. I went to the Spring location because I had to change my appointment (normally I go to the Vintage location). Dr R's nurse listened to the heart rate. According to her---she is betting on a girl?! She is going solely on the heart rate. See why I have my doubts. This is why I haven't thought about the nursery or bought anything. If it is a girl-----I have EVERYTHING I could ever need, plus more! When Dr R came in for her part she asked if I wanted to take a quick look at the baby----well of course I do!!!! The first glimpse she got was between the legs. She too is thinking it is a boy. Just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE my doctor!! She and Holli did part of their residency together at Hermann. Holli suggested that I go see her because she practices close to me. I liked her when I saw her in February and decided that I would see her when i did get pregnant. I was not very fond of the OB I had when I was pregnant with Chloe. This baby will be born at Methodist Willowbrook. Chloe was born at Tomball Hospital. Anyway, back to my appointment, here is a picture of the baby at this appointment. You can really tell a difference in the equipment at the doctor's office compared to the one used for taking measurements!!
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