Last year B and I decided that this summer we would start trying for baby #2. My birth control prescription ended in February but B thought it would be a good idea to get a new Rx even if it was just for a few more months. His reason was because I got pregnant right away with Chloe. So for 3 more months I took birth control. I am sure you can guess the rest! I took several home tests that came back negative. Guess I was just testing too early, because it finally came back positive! I was 5 weeks at that point. B and I were ecstatic! Good thing I took those few more months of pills, otherwise we would have another December baby. Baby #2 is due February 13, 2012.
Even though I knew for weeks, I kept this a secret from friends and family until I had my second doctor appointment. My first appointment was with an OB nurse. A million questions, lots of reading material and a trip to the lab for blood work. My appointment was at the end of the day and I was probably the last person to be seen in the lab. I went home without a definitive "you are pregnant---congrats!!". I was so doubting everything that I called and asked the nurse if I was really pregnant. She said "Mrs. White you are very pregnant!". I didn't feel pregnant. What I did feel like was poo. I had a horrible summer cold. Good thing they gave me 3 pages of medications that I could safely take. My next appointment was July 8th. This appointment would be my first glimpse of my little pea!

My dad, Cathy and Kaitlyn happened to be in town this weekend and it was my Dad's birthday. What a surprise for him!! We met with Patrick, cousins: Amanda, Angie, Alyssa and Aunt Shirley to have dinner for my dad's birthday. I announced at dinner that I was expecting. I had called my mom earlier in the day, after my appointment, to tell her the news. I wanted her to be the first to know. As far as the rest of the family, I had a special way planned to spread our news. I had "save the date" cards made. I waited to mail these out until I got the go ahead from my doctor. She didn't say "mail out your cards", she told me the chances of miscarriage at this point were very low.
From weeks 6-11.5 were just miserable. For many of those weeks I suffered from a lingering cold. Add 24 hour nausea and indigestion. Just plain yuck. The second half of week 11 was like a new me. I no longer feel sick unless I go too long without eating. The indigestion went away, after I bought a whole bottle of medicine. I really sympathize for people with chronic heartburn, that is miserable!!
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