A few weeks ago we made a trip to the deer lease. I have to admit the 6 hour drive is really not so bad! I bought
The Help to read on the way. Surprisingly, reading in the back seat almost the entire trip did not make me sick. Chloe loves going to the country (what we call it). This was going to be a special trip.....cousin Madison was going too!!
Madi, Chloe and MiMi
B was also determined to get that axis buck we had seen on the game camera. I went and sat with him many times.......and nothing! One morning he decided he was going to go really early and I decided I wanted to sleep in. Not too long after he left, he came back "wake up, I got him!". Of course I missed it. Had I gone the buck probably wouldn't have made an appearance.

You can see that the antlers are not branched much. Unlike white tail (which are currently out of season), axis antlers do not branch a lot. You can see his antlers start at B's waist and go almost to the top of his head. This was a large buck. He went right to the taxidermist when we got back to Houston. B was a little disappointed that the bucks right antler had broken off somehow, making it substantially shorter than the left one. He also had 3 broken teeth. So far we have had deer goulash (PiPaws recipe) and tomorrow a deer roast will be cooking in the crockpot. We have a lot of meat!
We also made a trip to Junction about an hour away to cool off in the North Llano River. There is an area of small rapids (only about knee deep) and a large area with shallow water. Madi was not so sure about this. Chloe had been once before and was loving it!

B and Chloe

Here are a few random pictures from this trip to the country.

PawPaw and Madi. By the way PawPaw had surgery in July to remove what was left of the cancerous tumor. He made out with a partially artificial femur and a monster incision! Happy to report that the pathology report came back that the tissue was 100% cancer free!! PawPaw is a cancer survivor!!! He is slowly walking, slowly putting more and more pressure until his leg can bear his full weight again. Everyone is so thankful that PawPaw has been healed!!!!! Now we just need to fatten him up :)

I just love humming birds!! And exclamation points.
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